Self Modifying Code

An italian statue of a dragon head

What is self modifying code.

It is like the name itself suggests, code which as part of what it is designed to do when you run it, modifies itself.

It is basically a relic of the past, except perhaps in kernel development, or on embedded systems, and even then the costs almost certainly outweigh the benefits in most cases.

A REALLY bad high level example.

This isn’t self modifying code, but it gives you the jist of the idea in a high level language.

This is Python that uses the operator standard library functions in order to swap in an operator based on changes in the state of the program.

This program will count up from 0 to 10, then count back down to 0 again and repeat this ad infinitum.

import operator
import time

op = operator.add
i = 0

while True:
    i = op(i, 1)
    if i >= 10:
        op = operator.sub
    if i <= 0:
        op = operator.add

A C example using function pointers.

This does the same thing in C, but it uses function pointers to swap between the increment and decrement functions.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int i = 0;

int increment(int x) {
    return x + 1;

int decrement(int x) {
    return x - 1;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    /* Make a function pointer, starting out pointing at increment */
    int (*op)(int);
    op = increment;

    while (1) {
        printf("%d\n", i);
        usleep(200 * 1000);
        i = op(i);
        if (i >= 10) {
            op = decrement;
        if (i <= 0) {
            op = increment;

Because we wrote this in C, we can prove that it is indeed not self modifying either by examining the assembly produced while compiling it. This however is quite complex, even for a trivial example like this. Compiling this program to assembly with $ gcc -O0 -S -o no_self_mod.asm no_self_mod.c produces over 100 lines of AMD64 assembly. Expand the section below to view this assembly if you care.

the AMD64 assembly for the C program above
  	.file	"no_self_mod.c"
	.globl	i
	.align 4
	.type	i, @object
	.size	i, 4
	.zero	4
	.globl	increment
	.type	increment, @function
	pushq	%rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
	.cfi_offset 6, -16
	movq	%rsp, %rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa_register 6
	movl	%edi, -4(%rbp)
	movl	-4(%rbp), %eax
	addl	$1, %eax
	popq	%rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
	.size	increment, .-increment
	.globl	decrement
	.type	decrement, @function
	pushq	%rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
	.cfi_offset 6, -16
	movq	%rsp, %rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa_register 6
	movl	%edi, -4(%rbp)
	movl	-4(%rbp), %eax
	subl	$1, %eax
	popq	%rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
	.size	decrement, .-decrement
	.section	.rodata
	.string	"%d\n"
	.globl	main
	.type	main, @function
	pushq	%rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
	.cfi_offset 6, -16
	movq	%rsp, %rbp
	.cfi_def_cfa_register 6
	subq	$32, %rsp
	movl	%edi, -20(%rbp)
	movq	%rsi, -32(%rbp)
	leaq	increment(%rip), %rax
	movq	%rax, -8(%rbp)
	movl	i(%rip), %eax
	movl	%eax, %esi
	leaq	.LC0(%rip), %rax
	movq	%rax, %rdi
	movl	$0, %eax
	call	printf@PLT
	movl	$200000, %edi
	call	usleep@PLT
	movl	i(%rip), %eax
	movq	-8(%rbp), %rdx
	movl	%eax, %edi
	call	*%rdx
	movl	%eax, i(%rip)
	movl	i(%rip), %eax
	cmpl	$9, %eax
	jle	.L6
	leaq	decrement(%rip), %rax
	movq	%rax, -8(%rbp)
	movl	i(%rip), %eax
	testl	%eax, %eax
	jg	.L8
	leaq	increment(%rip), %rax
	movq	%rax, -8(%rbp)
	jmp	.L8
	.size	main, .-main
	.ident	"GCC"
	.section	.note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
	.align 8
	.long	1f - 0f
	.long	4f - 1f
	.long	5
	.string	"GNU"
	.align 8
	.long	0xc0000002
	.long	3f - 2f
	.long	0x3
	.align 8


Problems with self modifying code.

I’m going to do a demo of self modifying code in a moment, but first I’m going to explain why I’m not doing it in a modern OS and a modern set of tools, with a modern dialect of assembly like x64 or ARM64.

There are many reasons that self modifying code is considered harmful and or dangerous.

  1. It is REALLY hard to understand. Much more if you don’t expect it. Even more if you have no idea of the concept. This is most certiainly the type of dirty programming technique you need to write comments around !

  2. Modern operating systems make it hard to use. Tools such as Microsoft Windows arbitary code guard, or Linux with W^X, (Write XOR Execute, also sometimes called XD, DX, for Execute Bit Disable) are designed to prevent security problems by literally preventing self modifying code.

The Linux kernel itself makes extensive use of self modification, as shown in Evgeniy Paltsev’s presentation to the embedded linux conference in 2019, you still shouldn’t use this in the old school way of modifying code you are actually executing.

And Old School Example.

This very old example uses an ancient CPU and dialect of assembly, as this is where I first learned this technique, and honestly it is the only place I have ever actually used it.

This uses the Masswerk 6502 simulator to create and step through a program designed to do the same thing as the previous examples, but to do so in a real self modifying way.

LDX #$00    ; Load 0 into the X register
NOP         ; Do nothing, imagine this is the "print"
INX         ; Increment X, this code ends up at location 0x0003.
CPX #$0A    ; Compare X with 10.
BEQ setdec  ; Jump to self mod if 10.
CPX #$00    ; Compare X with 0.
BEQ setinc  ; Jump to self mod if 0.
JMP mainloop ; Go around loop again.

LDY #$E8    ; Put the bits for the INX instruction in the Y register.
STY $0003   ; Store this in the INX location in the main code, the third line.
JMP mainloop  ; Jump back to main code.

LDY #$CA    ; Put the bits for the DEX instruction in the Y register
STY $0003   ; Store this in the INX location in the main code, the third line.
JMP mainloop  ; Jump back to main code

To experiment with this yourself.

  1. Go to the masswerk emulator
  2. Paste in this assembly above into the “src” section.
  3. Click “Assemble”.
  4. Click “Show in Emulator”.
  5. Paste the object code into the RAM section, with “Strip Leading Addresses” ticked.
  6. Click “Load Memory”.
  7. Click “Show Memory”.
  8. Click “Live Update” for memory.
  9. Tick “Trace” so you can watch each instruction as it is executed.
  10. Click “Continuous Run”.

Now you will be able to watch the value of the XR register climb up from 0 to 10 (A) and back again over and over, just like the previous examples and it is doing so using self modifying code.

You can watch the self modifying code working by looking at the first line of the memory. It toggles between these two states.

0000: A2 00 EA E8 E0 0A F0 0F

0000: A2 00 EA CA E0 0A F0 0F` 

The E8 instruction in 6502 assembler is INX, and the CA instruction is DEX.

The two “functions”, setinc and setdec both add an one of these opcodes to the Y register, and then store this in the program code itself directly (at location 0003).

This is still a bit of a contrived example, but it gives the jist of the idea. Back in the 8bit and 16bit days, these techniques were used to optimise code, particularly in games.

You will find plenty of cases of them in 6502 code,


Self modifying code is mostly a relic of the past, except in kernel development, or on embedded systems. These are certainly not things I do much of day to day or have much experience with.

However, if you did need a brief introduction to the concept of self modifying code, I hope this blog post helped.