Installing Llama3 on Linux

A llama in a field.

What is Llama3 ?

Llama3 is an Open Source, Large Language Model from Meta.

It is similar to the much more famous OpenAI ChatGPT.

Why would you want it ?

Lots of reasons, but mostly so you can locally get ChatGPT like answers to questions, without the need for the internet, any per-use costs or subscriptions fees.

I was installing it as part of a work project to translate intense numerical datasets into human readable reports.

I built the ollama “LLM Manager” software from source, as I needed to make some tweaks.


This is exactly what worked for me, with the following setup. Your mileage may vary with different systems and setups.

  1. Debian12
  2. Nvidia RTX 4080 with Nvidia closed source linux drivers.

Confirm your nvidia card is detected with

$ nvidia-smi

Critically, the top line must have a CUDA version in it, like NVIDIA-SMI 535.161.08 Driver Version: 535.161.08 CUDA Version: 12.2. If you aren’t running this succesfully, solve your Nvidia install issues before continuing.

Then install packages needed to build ollama from.

$ sudo apt install golang cmake ninja-build cmake-doc cmake-format bzr build-essential git curl

Clone the ollama repo.

$ git clone

Build it.

$ cd ollama
$ go generate ./...
$ go build

Then test it, and download the llama3 model. This will download a very large file and might take a bit of time.

# In Terminal1
$ ollama serve

# In Terminal2
$ ollama run llama3
> Test Commands.
# Use CTRL-D to quit.

Setup to run as a service.

This will make ollama run as system service, allowing anyone to use it without it running on a terminal.

First create a user for ollama to run as.

$ sudo useradd -r -s /bin/false -d /usr/share/ollama ollama
$ sudo mkdir /usr/share/ollama
$ sudo chown ollama:ollama /usr/share/ollama
$ sudo chmod 700 /usr/share/ollama

Then create a ollama service definition file.

$ sudo cat > /etc/systemd/system/ollama.service <<EOF
Description=Ollama Service

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ollama serve


Copy the ollama3 binary you built into /usr/local/bin

$ sudo cp ollama /usr/local/bin

Start it. First, close down the testing terminal you ahd running llama3 before

$ sudo service ollama start

Test directly.

This will download the llama3 model again, this time to shared space. You could copy this from your homedir to speed it up if needed.

$ ollama run llama3

Test using the REST API

$ curl http://localhost:11434/api/generate -d '{
  "model": "llama3",
  "prompt":"Echo back the phrase: testing llama3"


You can replace the model with “llama3:70b” to use the larger model. This is MUCH slower, but should be more “accurate”.